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Meet Georgette

Georgette is an intuitive business consultant, meditation facilitator, and emotional healer.


She always knew she was meant to fulfill a

humanitarian mission, but a painful childhood and a strict upbringing led her to

ignore her soul’s calling and to fully devote herself to chasing “success” in academia and in the corporate world.


A few years after getting her MBA from one of

Canada’s top universities and landing her “dream

job” at a world-renowned entertainment company, she started to realize that this might not be her definition of success, after all.


This led her to reassess all her life in her mid-30’s, in which she faced

a daunting choice:

to continue down the road of that so-called "success" or to dive deep into the unknown by following her soul’s


She chose the latter, and that’s where she found true freedom. She unlocked her innate gifts and intuitive abilities, she manifested the people and resources that she needed to help her fulfill her calling, and she set herself free from the greatest prison one could ever live in: the prison of her own mind.


Georgette is fully devoted to the mission of raising human

consciousness by empowering her clients to reach their highest potential so that they, too, can empower others.

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